All About Private Mortgage Insurance

by Rebecca Schaffer 08/26/2018

You may have heard of private mortgage insurance, also known as PMI, but you’re probably not sure what exactly it is. If your down payment is less than 20% of the purchase price of the home, then you’ll need to pay for this additional insurance in order to secure a loan for the home. This type of policy protects the lender if you end up in a foreclosure situation. This way, the lender is assured that they will not lose money. 

Private mortgage insurance is also required if you refinance your home when it has accrued to less than 20% equity. Again, this protects the lender from losing money if the loan is defaulted on. 


The fees involved with private mortgage insurance can range based on a few factors including the actual size of the down payment and your credit score. You can expect the cost of the insurance to be somewhere between 0.3% and 1.5% of the loan amount per year. The PMI premiums are tax deductible some years and other years they are not. It really all depends upon the state of the government and what they have enacted for the particular fiscal year. Private mortgage insurance premiums can be paid either monthly or with a large payment upfront, although most policies will require the borrower to pay on a monthly basis.    

This Insurance Can Be Canceled

The lender will automatically cancel your PMI once the loan drops down to 78% of the home’s value. For this reason, you’ll want to keep track of your payments in order to see how far away you are from shedding this monthly fee. When your loan is paid down to 80% of the home’s original value, you have the right to ask your lender to discontinue to insurance premium payments.

What Is The Loan-To-Value Ratio?

This ratio is the amount of mortgage debt in the form a percentage based on how much the home is worth. It’s calculated by the following formula:

Amount owed on the mortgage/Appraised value

This is an important factor when it comes to matters of PMI insurance, as it’s how the required loan payment percentages are calculated. If a home is worth $100,000 and $80,000 is still owed on the home, the loan-to-value ratio is 80 percent. This means the borrower can request the insurance be cancelled.      

FHA Loans Have Different Requirements

If you secure an FHA loan, they require the payment of PMI premiums for the entire life of the loan. You can’t exactly cancel these insurance payments but you can refinance the loan in order get rid of the insurance. This means that you will no longer have an FHA loan.           

Private mortgage insurance can be a nuisance, however as a first-time homebuyer with little capital, the fees may be worth it when you’re able to secure your first home.

About the Author

Rebecca Schaffer

I fell in love with Northeast Florida after a visit 10 years ago. My husband and I decided this was where we would move from the hectic pace of South Florida. As our son was about to transition to High School we made the move and haven't looked back. We quickly settled into the Saint Augustine area. It always amazes me how friendly and caring the people are in northeast Florida and it was a very quick process to make friends and get plugged in. As a real estate investor myself, I understand the experience and the needs one has when buying, selling and renting a home. It is one of life's biggest decisions. It is so helpful to have a realtor with knowledge and patience to provide the guidance one needs through the process. This is where I focus to provide my customers the best possible experience.